Design Thinking For Business Innovation

The fierceness of competition in business – which is now global – requires high speed innovation. Design Thinking is a well-established process of creating new and innovative ideas that can be applied across all manner of challenges in any business environment. It’s both a problem-solving mindset and a practical methodology for innovation, providing a repeatable framework by which anyone can be creative.

Formalized by the US consulting firm IDEO and the Hasso-Plattner-Institute of Design at Stanford University in California, design thinking focuses on 1) understanding the underlying needs of users, 2) developing the most innovative way to address those needs in a manner both feasible and viable, and 3) testing concepts in an iterative progression that leverages a “fail fast, fail early” philosophy.

Design Thinking attempts to inspire the essential element of creativity, the ability to take an abstract idea and create something with it. It’s based upon the fundamental belief that an unexecuted idea, one that is never realized, is a worthless proposition and that doing is equally as valuable as thinking.

design thinking process

The interesting part of Design Thinking is like the creativity it attempts to foster, the very concept itself is continually evolving. One example of a design thinking process could have several stages: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test. Within these steps, problems can be framed, the right questions can be asked, more ideas can be created, and the best answers can be chosen. The steps aren’t linear; they can occur simultaneously and can be repeated.

Want to learn more?  Please click here to find out how you can implement design thinking process to really understand your customers and come up with innovative ideas to solve their problems, and achieve your business success.

How To Organize A Successful Press Conference

press relations

Press releases, interviews, and informal media contacts are excellent ways of getting your brand/product message across. They are the bread and butter of your press relations, and often of your entire outreach effort. A press conference is an additional media technique, for special occasions, when you really want to make an impression.

Conducting successful press conferences takes more than just designating a time and place. True success involves planning before, during, and afterward. The goal is to create an experience so seamless that attendees don’t even realize they ran through several marketing channels to achieve your brand’s goals.

Please click here to learn more.